Chapel Hill Moves 2024 Priorities

Sad fact:
Transportation is the 2nd biggest expense in household budgets and the number 1 cause of greenhouse emissions in NC.

Welcome to Chapel Hill Moves, a grassroots group advocating for a safe network of walking, biking, and transit to create a connected Chapel Hill and Carrboro community. We are prioritizing our health, environment, land use, and household budgets. We have a lot of work ahead but thankfully have two amazing towns already taking action. Here are our 2024 strategies to get started:


Sharing the voices, ideas, and projects that are moving biking, walking, and transit forward.

This includes promoting relevant partner events on our EVENT page, social media, and newsletter. We also will be hosting a new video series starting in April. This will be educational and inspirational! We aim to help educate locals on why transportation works in odd ways in North Carolina, profile people, and businesses that are prioritizing sustainable transportation, and updates from each town on projects or engagement opportunities.

Documenting Low-Stress Bike Routes

We are creating a community-built map of current low-stress route options and want to hear from you about where you are wanting to go and what is preventing you from getting there. We will be at events and meetups throughout 2024 for you to identify the biggest barriers keeping you from biking and walking around our community. Feel free to message us here.

The maps will highlight easy steps the towns can take now while continuing the slower work of building out greenways and other biking and walking infrastructure.

Examples of quick actions the towns could take: Way-finding signs, working with utility social trails, lowering speeds and adding buffers to create bike boulevards, turning sidewalks with grass "hell strips" on busy corridors into multi-use paths, and pop up protected bike lanes or on-street walking paths.

Safe Biking and Walking to School

Our mapping is essential to identifying current low-stress options to bike and walk to our schools, and also low-hanging opportunities. We are working with the new Chapel Hill Safe Routes to School coordinator on the Walk and Bike to School Day (May 8th), planning Bike and Walking buses, and more.

Chapel Hill Moves Bike, Walk, and Transit Project Tracker

There are so many great projects happening, and they can take decades from idea to implementation. It is also very hard to keep track of what is happening when it is happening, and when we need to take action. Sometimes this action means holding the towns accountable, or showing up if there is opposition. This tracker will help us all stay updated. It would be wonderful if individuals would sign up for the projects closest to them to help us stay updated. Being able to walk out and see the progress firsthand, or update your local neighborhood listservs is invaluable!

Stay Informed and Get Involved!

  1. Sign up for our newsletters and let us know how if you need help figuring out routes around town, or want to help with our mission.

  2. Are you specifically interested in one local project? Help us keep it updated on the Chapel Hill Moves Project Tracker.

  3. Join us at the safe streets event “Creating a Culture of Roadway Safety” on March 28th

  4. If you have a school-age child, make sure to Walk or Bike to School on May 8th and bring your friends along!


2024 Safe Mobility Conference Bike and Transit Routes


Biking to Wegmans